Wednesday 15 Nov 2006: PULL OTM


Perform a set of pull-ups at the top of every minute for twenty minutes. Intermediate and Basic trainees should substitute Partial, Assisted, and Jumping Pull-ups or Body Rows as necessary. Keep your reps well below max.

Post results to Comments.


Anonymous said...

40 Assisted Chin-ups

JME said...

84 reps (Mix of Chins and Pulls)


Anonymous said...

Too late, dark, cold etc etc etc
No way 0f doing pull/chin-ups so did push-ups on the minute. Went for it too much at the start and burnt out too quickly - was aiming for 130-140 reps but only got a total of 125.

JME said...


A good way to do Pull-ups inside without a bar is to use a sturdy door. Open the door and place your hands at the top (closer to the hinges than the outside edge). Bend your knees and perform pull-ups against the door. It isn't quite as good as a bar since your forearms are against the door, but it still requires you to pull your bodyweight. Another indoor substitution is to perform Body Rows with a broomstick between two chairs or lying under a sturdy table. Make sure the broomstick is heavy enough that it won't snap while you are performing rows with it.
