Monday 11 Feb 2008: ON THE ROAD #1

Today's workout is adapted from John Peterson.


Perform two of the following circuits in twenty minutes.


  • Atlas II Push-ups - 1 minute
    Perform push-ups with each hand on a sturdy chair seat or blocks and the feet elevated to the same or a greater height on a third chair or block.
  • Sit-ups - 1 minute
  • Self-Resistance Arm Curls - 1 minute/each arm
    With one arm held straight and slightly in front of your body, grasp your wrist with the opposing hand. Slowly curl your straight arm until the hand is at your shoulder while firmly resisting with the opposing arm.
  • Step-ups - 6 minutes
    Step up and down continuously on a sturdy chair, step, or box, alternating which leg leads on each rep.

(Rest as necessary during each circuit)

  • Atlas I Push-ups - 1 minute
    Perform push-ups with each hand on a sturdy chair seat or blocks and the feet on the floor.
  • Crunches - 1 minute
  • Self-Resistance Arm Curls - 1 minute/each arm
    With one arm held straight and slightly in front of your body, grasp your wrist with the opposing hand. Slowly curl your straight arm until the hand is at your shoulder while firmly resisting with the opposing arm.
  • Step-ups - 6 minutes
    Step up and down continuously on a sturdy chair, step, or box, alternating which leg leads on each rep.

(Rest as necessary during each circuit)

  • Knee or Countertop Push-ups - 1 minute
  • Crunches - 1 minute
  • Self-Resistance Arm Curls - 1 minute/each arm
    With one arm held straight and slightly in front of your body, grasp your wrist with the opposing hand. Slowly curl your straight arm until the hand is at your shoulder while firmly resisting with the opposing arm.
  • Step-ups - 6 x 30/30 (30 seconds work, 30 second rest)
    Step up and down continuously on a sturdy chair, step, or box, alternating which leg leads on each rep.

You can find more of John Peterson's training ideas in his books, including Pushing Yourself to Power, Miracle Seven, and Isometric Power Revolution.

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