Thursday 8 October 2009: 10 X 10 SPRINTS

10 x 10 SPRINTS


Same workout for everyone today. Adjust the intensity of each sprint interval according to your individual ability. You should be out of breath after each sprint interval, but you should recover quickly enough to begin the next assigned sprint.

  • 5 minutes - Cardio Activity
    (E.g. Run, Run-in-place, Jumping Jacks, Skip Rope, Bear or Crab Crawl)
    Pick an exercise that raises your heartrate and can be sustained for five minutes. This is a general warm-up, not a sprint. If you are out of breath, you are pushing too hard.
  • Repeat 10x:
    10 seconds - Sprint

    50 seconds - Jog/Walk to recover
  • 5 minutes - Cardio Activity

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1 comment:

Lincoln Bryden said...

I really do love your simple but effective cardio routines. There really cannot be any excuse for anyone who says that they hate cardio because it is boring!